Entrepreneur Monday - Why Mondays are important to entrepreneurs.
Mondays are crucial for small businesses and entrepreneurs no matter what market your business is targeting or what time zone your in. Mondays set the tone for the rest of the upcoming week, a great and powerful start can lead to new opportunities and new ventures you thought where unreachable and unreasonable. Maybe on your desk with piled up work lies a great oppertunity.
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We often associate Mondays with negative thoughts such as "too early mornings" "is gonna be a long week" or a pile of work is gonna overflow your office desk. Mondays are the end of a weekend, a weekend of freedom to do whatever you want without following anybody's orders. So what would make you an extraordinary entrepreneur is if you change your previous perspective on how you view Mondays. Instead of seeing it as a pile of work change it to a pile of opportunities. See it as a change to change your week so everyday can be a weekend of freedom.
Many entrepreneurs all over the world and working in different markets say that the entrepreneurial experience is, often, a backbreaking and soul-searching one, but most wouldn't trade it for the world. Because when you're an entrepreneur, everything you put into your company, you get right back out. That's why entrepreneurs look forward to Mondays—is the collective, weekly fresh start, a chance to reboot, regroup, and chase new opportunities.
Here is a guide to get you on the right track first thing on mondays.
1. Make a list
Any list—goals for the week, a to-do checklist, just something that keeps you focused for the upcoming week. You've got a business plan for your company, so why not have one for your week?
2. Rally your troops
Your company may not be Apple, the soul-crushing cubicle land depicted in Office Space, your company is not perfect. Even employees at the most innovative and dynamic workplaces sometimes need a boost on Mondays beyond that first cup of coffee. Try a Monday morning huddle with your team to check the status of various projects, allow your employees to highlight any opportunities and challenges they expect to see this week, and hey, even just ask how everyone's weekend was.
3. Follow the money
There are many measures of success for a company, but let's face it, money is a key one. It's also the lifeblood that helps sustain it. Seeing a ton of new cash flow on your balance sheet? Maybe you're ready to expand. Funds drying up? Maybe it's time to pivot and try a new strategy.
4. Practice being "extraordinary"
We’re not all natural Monday masters. It takes some work and discipline. The good news is, you have a new chance to practice every single week.
5. Change your perspective
Change your perspective on your negative thoughts and turn it into positive thoughts. Instead of pile of work change it to pile of opportunities or instead of a long week change it to a productive week. Simple, seems cheesy but small thoughts can lead to big ideas.
Instead of wanting to curl up in a ball on Sunday nights, filled with a sense of imminent workweek doom, find yourself smiling at the possibilities the next day will bring.