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Tech Tuesdays - Better Time Management with Online Activity Blocking System "Rescue Time"

Working on a computer all day is not only challenging for your back but also for your brain. With the world under our fingertips there endless ways of getting distracted in front of your screen and being less effective with your work. With so many distractions and possibilities in your digital life, it's easy to get scattered.

If you work from home or have a flexible schedule is hard to keep yourself in order. So the tech world has stepped in to help you get rid of your distractions. The Software Rescue Time is designed to help you block the most visited sites on your computer during set hours that you modify yourself. It also keeps data information with all your activity so you can track your pattern.

This is how it works:

There is a free version of the software and an upgraded one. This is a perfect developed technology that help you keep yourself in track online and on your computer. It helps you gain perspective on how your time is spent, set goals and helps you take action instead of spending unnecessary time on social media. Don't spend anymore unnesseary time in front of the computer, be productive, work hard and spend the remaining time experiencing the world.

Here is a link to downloading Rescue Time on your laptop or computer:

Music Management - Tour - Short Film Production - Content Creation - Brand Development - Marketing

Atlanta GA - United States

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